Switzerland moving forward to approve Gene Editing by 2024

Photo credit: Hansjorg Keller

Last week, the Swiss Parliament decided that gene edited plants that are bred with no new transgenic genetic material inserted, should no longer be considered and labeled as conventional genetically modified plants. By 2024, the Swiss Federal Council will have to propose a bill allowing certain gene edited seeds to be drilled in Swiss field.

Although nothing really is changing at this moment and the action is almost symbolic, it is an important message. Because Switzerland has been strictly banning the use of genetically modified plants, including gene editing, for many years. Since 2005, the country has been extended their GMO ban, again and again until 2025.

India and Great Britain have already decided to take the first steps, as did Switzerland last week. All countries are moving forward to make the regulation around genome-edited crops easier and the strict genetic engineering laws should no longer be the sole benchmark. Also, the European Union is working on a reform.

For those who are interested to read more about all current changes and the potential impact on our food production, please read this excellent review article :


Other references:



Is climate smart and resilient agriculture possible without adapted wheat varieties?


Indian government exempts genome-edited crops from GM regulations